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  • Collection: Julius Steinberg Papers Collection

Handwritten correspondence on Hinman & Co. letterhead from Chicago, Illinois to Julius Steinberg about metal ceilings for the opera house.

Handwritten correspondence on J. Steinberg Dry Goods letterhead.

Handwritten correspondence on J. Steinberg Dry Goods letterhead.[Seems like a draft with equations and numbers scattered at the bottom of the page and on the reverse]

Handwritten correspondence to Mr. Herman Dendix on J. Steinberg Dry Goods letterhead. [Seems like a draft as the letter is rather fragmented and not signed.]

Handwritten correspondence on J. Steinberg Dry Goods letterhead. Corresponds with "Statement Sweetser Pembrook & Co. Bought of J. Steinberg, April 26, 188?"

Handwritten correspondence on J. Steinberg Dry Goods letterhead. [Also a draft, many crossed out words, seems Steinberg struggled with tenses and word order at times. also rather abrupt in the manner of the last few lines: “You will kindly Please…

Typed correspondence from J.C. Goss & Co., Sail Makers and Riggers regarding the installation of a fixture for Steinberg’s opera house. Only partially legible due to missing bottom right corners of all the pages.

Handwritten correspondence on Martin maier Trunks, Valises, Satchels and Travelers' Goods letterhead.

Handwritten correspondence on Miller & Bros Millinery Goods of New York to J. Steinberg.

Handwritten correspondence on Martin Maier Trunks, Valises, Satchels adn Travelers' Goods letterhead.
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